Hi. I'm Scott Numamoto
I'm a software engineer @Render. Formerly Lyft, UC Berkeley. Some of my interests include distributed systems, STEM education, and film photography.
Replication for the Global Data Plane
My group designed and implemented a distributed replication system for a secure log in CS 262 - Advanced Computer Systems.
Robotics Simulator
How can we make the experience of programing a robot for Pioneers in Engineering more accessible?
Building an application to track spending using Ruby on Rails.
Data Visualization
Working with data in R to visualize the students Pioneers in Engineering serves.
From home and where I've traveled. Mostly taken on film.
How can one game mechanic define an entire experience?
Final Competition
300 students. 25 schools. 3 months. 1 Robotics Competition.
Designing and creating a t-shirt.